The Hunger Games movie franchise could easily rest on its popcorn potential. These are suspenseful stories featuring hot young movie stars whose characters' fates hang constantly in the action-packed balance. What I love about these movies is that they play up their serious side even though they don't have to. The books were written largely to make us think by making us feel something more than just our pulses pounding. The tone set in the first movie, particularly during the Reaping, did the same thing, and this trailer takes that same tone. Yes, Katniss Barbie exists, but you don't have to have read the books first to realize why that's funny. (If you read them afterwards, as so many people did when the first movie came out, so much the better.)
I'm sure I'll have more to say once I've seen more than two and half minutes of the movie. But given the trailer's emphasis, I'm inclined to thank Lionsgate for trusting our intelligence.
Awesome! I can't wait for this. Thanks for posting it!